Game Pitch Proposal

Codename Exodus Pitch Presentation

Cover Page

Project: Codename Exodus

Programmer & Menus:

Terrain & Objects:

Character Builds & Artist:

Camera POV & Sound:


Millions of nameless soldiers rejoice in the Exodus, an inter-galactic arena that hosts some of the most gruesome battles in the solar system.

Executive Summary

Codename Exodus is a Player Vs Player arena shooter unlike any other because it is played from a top-down perspective. Being such a game, the player’s goal is to kill other players or defend an objective, based on which game mode they are playing. Some maps will be earth-based, such as the Abandoned Arctic Research Facility, but most of the maps will take place in different areas of the solar system.

The game will host 32 players per server, and with that count hopefully, encourage team-based gameplay in team-based and objective-based modes and all-out chaos in Free For All. All in all, I wish for Codename Exodus to attract fans of the older Quake and Unreal Tournament games, and just to be an all-out bloody chaos style game for young adults aged 17-30 years old.


Game Description



Codename Exodus is a game that will pit 16 players versus 16 players in Team Deathmatch, KOTH (King Of The Hill), Capture The Flag, Bounty Hunt, and all 32 players against each other in the case of Free-For-All. The game will take place in the Exodus arena, an inter-galactic arena that hosts the most gruesome battles in the solar system and only the strong will survive.

The Quest

The quest of the game varies by game mode, but the over-arching quest is to score the most points and win. In Team Deathmatch, it’s simply killing the players on the enemy team. In CTF (Capture The Flag), you have to capture the enemy flag and return it to your base three times. In Deathmatch (Free For All), you have to kill everyone and the person with the most kills by the end of the match wins. In Bounty Hunt, the person with the first person who gains a streak of ten kills becomes the target to kill at the start of the game, and if you kill him, you become the target, and the person with the most kills as the target wins.

Main Character

The players are inter-galactic soldiers equipped specifically for battle in the Exodus with rocket thrusters that allow them to double jump and fly for a small amount of time, they cannot sprint, although. Each soldier is equipped with 100 health and shields and a full clip of ammo for their equipped weapon. I currently have no plans for character customization but I am open to the idea.

Sketch of Main Character

CC Image Halo Reach by commorancy at

This image is an idea of what I would like the soldiers to look like.


Being a PVP game, there is no difference between the opponents and the players besides the fact that that player’s armor will be red or blue depending on what team they are on in team-based game modes.

Sketch of Opponents

The opponents are the same as the Main Character just with red or blue armor depending on which team they are on and which team you are on.


The Exodus arena is an inter-galactic Ancient Rome Colosseum style arena with multiple extremely hostile locations all around the solar system. All maps will have ammo and health pickups for the players to pick up, as well as supply drops that appear only a couple times per match but have a large amount of health and ammo, and maybe even a weapon. Something else some maps will also have is Map-Exclusive Weapons, such as the Martian Base map will have a laser LMG for players to use.

CC image arctic from a plane by Ashley Pollak at

CC Image Fort Ord Photos: Prescribed Burn by Presidio of Monterey at

CC Image MARS by Phillip Sidek at

CC Image Colosseum by Navin75 at

These images represent some of the maps in Codename Exodus



The base control scheme for PC is as follows:

LeftClick = Shoot

RightClick = Secondary Fire

Q = Melee

W = Move Forward

A = Move Left

D = Move Right

S = Move Backward

E = Open Supply Drop

F = Gadget

R =  Reload

1, 2, 3, = Switch Weapons

4, 5 = Switch Gadgets/Place Down Gadgets

SpaceBar = Jump/Fly

I don’t have plans to port the game to console, but there are alternate control schemes, standard FPS, southpaw, and, alternate southpaw, are the control schemes I am planning on putting in the game, standard FPS replaces F (gadget) and Q (melee),  southpaw reverses LeftClick And RightClick, and replaces WASD with the arrow keys and E (Open Supply Drop) is replaced with I and alternative southpaw reverses the LeftClick and RightClick buttons and replaces WASD with PL’;, as well as replacing E (Open Supply Drop) with /. You will automatically pick up a health or ammo pickup when you walk over it and you need to hold E or I to open a supply drop.


I imagine the menu music will be similar to DOOM 2016, and when you click on a button it will make a clicking noise.

The main sounds of the game will be footsteps and gunshots, as well as a death sound when a player dies. The footsteps will get louder based on proximity, making it very hard to flank unless you crouch which does not silence your footsteps but makes them much quieter. gunshots will obviously be different depending on weapon and fire mode,.

Both the basic Assault Rifle and Bayonet Assault Rifle firing will sound like automatic rifles, but the Bayonet melee will sound like a kitchen knife when it stabs something, and when reloading the rifle will sound like you are reloading an actual assault rifle.  The Rocket Launcher, when fired, will sound very much like you are firing a rocket at a fireworks show and when you are reloading the launcher it will sound like you are loading an actual rocket launcher. The Lock-On for the Lock-On Rocket Launcher will sound like a missile acquiring its target and will make a ping sound when locked on. The Shotgun will make a bang sound when you fire it, the Explosive shotgun’s secondary fire will sound like you are shooting a bottle rocket, and when you are reloading it will sound like a real shotgun reloads, and the basic shotgun will cock in between shots whereas the Explosive Shotgun will not.  The Sniper Rifle will sound like a semi-automatic rifle, and the Super-Sniper’s secondary fire where you charge it up will sound like a laser charging. The pistol will sound like the sniper rifle but higher pitched. The Explosive Pistol will sound like the Explosive Shotgun but lower-pitched. The revolver will sound like the sniper rifle, slightly lower-pitched The Longshot Revolver won’t have any change from the revolver sound-wise, because the only addition it has is a sniper scope. And finally, the Laser LMG will sound similar to a blaster rifle from Star Wars. I didn’t mention the Katana and Sword because they will sound about the same as the Bayonet.

Other sounds will include ambient noises such as waves on the arctic ocean, and computers processing data on the Martian Base and  Abandoned Arctic Research Facility maps.


The life that the solar system holds is not usually known as hostile, but in the Exodus arena, that isn’t really the case. Plenty of bullets will fly and most who enter this arena will, unfortunately, fall in the most marvelous spectacle of gore the solar system has ever had the pleasure of witnessing. This PVP will be perfect for young adults and Call Of Duty players wanting something new and fresh, and older Quake and Unreal Tournament fans wanting to scratch that arena shooter itch.